hi! i’m colby

After crunching numbers for several years, a role in HR fell into my lap and I have never looked back. I love helping others, and I believe work should be fulfilling, which are two pillars that have guided me through my HR career, and have led me to start my own consulting firm. It is my sincere hope that all businesses will become employers of choice and treat every employee as the wonderful individual that they are.

some fun facts about me

I have two daughters ages 1 and 2 who are my sun, moon, and stars

I drive a 1979 Beetle Convertible

My husband and I are homesteaders
(in all our free time - ha!)

I once won a hula hooping contest

I have the absolute worst behaved dog
on the planet, but she's very cute
so we keep her around

Get in touch! 

Whether you want to discuss a project or just say hello, we'd love to hear from you.
